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Selfie authentication

To keep your account secure, we may occasionally ask you to provide a selfie in-app to verify your identity. You can’t ask another person to take a photo of you.

Why your selfie authentication may have failed

  • Camera or microphone access wasn't enabled for Revolut
  • There was poor lighting in the photo or video
  • You wore glasses, a hat, a wig, or excessive jewellery
  • There was another person in the frame
  • You had your eyes closed or didn’t look into the camera
  • You were moving or in a laying position
  • Your appearance has changed significantly since your last verification. Make sure your face is close to the camera and your facial features are clearly visible

Have your ID at hand in case we ask you to provide a photo of your ID together with the selfie. Make sure the picture is clear, and the document is fully visible in the frame.

If there’s an issue with your document verification, you can visit this FAQ in our Help Centre for guidance.