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How many cards can I have?

You can have up to 6 active physical cards, 20 active virtual cards, and 1 single-use card linked to your Revolut account at one time.

Here are a few more things to consider: 

  • You can create a maximum of 4 new virtual cards every 30 days, not including single-use cards, with a total limit of 20 active virtual cards.
  • Plus, Premium, and Metal physical cards count towards the 6 physical card limit. You can have a maximum of 2 active Metal debit cards linked to your account.
  • You can hold 6 physical cards and 20 virtual cards. You can have up to 2 Metal debit and 2 Metal credit cards, which count towards your total physical card limit.

If a family member or partner needs a card, they can open a separate Revolut account in their name. Or you can consider opting for Joints Accounts, if you’d like to access the same funds. For your children, explore <18 accounts. For help ordering a physical card, please refer to our order a physical card page FAQ page.