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Create a payout link

You can create a payout link on the Revolut Business app, or via API.


  • Go to 'Transfers' on the main menu
  • Click the three dots '...', then 'Send via link'
  • Then, follow instructions on-screen


You can learn how to set up and send payout links with our API in our developer documentation. When sharing a payout link, make sure it's sent securely and encrypted. We can't take responsibility if a payout link is sent to the wrong person or falls into the wrong hands. Terms apply.

How long are the payout links valid for?

Payout links expire after 7 days. You can change this setting if you use the API.

It's also possible to cancel a payout link if the recipient hasn't used it to claim the money. To do it, go to 'Transfers', open the 'Past' tab, choose the relevant transfer, and hit 'Cancel'.