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Set up Expenses and NetSuite integration

Integrating Revolut Business and NetSuite allows you to sync data between the two platforms. This is particularly handy for completed expenses, as they can be exported automatically to NetSuite for hassle-free bookkeeping and account reconciliation.

For the sync to be successful, NetSuite SuiteTax must not be enabled.

Set up NetSuite integration

To set up the NetSuite integration, you'll need to use the Revolut web app. Once logged into the web app, you should:

  • Go to 'Settings' by clicking the cog in the top-right corner
  • Select 'Integrations' on the left menu
  • Under 'Accounting', click 'Add new'
  • Select 'NetSuite'
  • Next to 'Expenses', click 'Connect'
  • Follow the set-up steps
  • If you have multiple subsidiaries in your NetSuite account, select the one you wish to connect
  • Return to 'NetSuite' in the Revolut Business web app, click on 'Expenses' and toggle 'Auto-sync' on