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Linked bank accounts

Link external bank accounts to your Revolut account for easier transfers and visibility across all of your balances from within the Revolut app. Linked accounts should be a personal or savings account in your own name.

How to link a bank account

In the Revolut app:

  • Go to 'Home' on the bottom menu
  • Below your balance, tap 'Accounts'
  • Tap 'Add new'
  • Tap the 'Linked' tab
  • Select 'Linked account'
  • Choose a supported bank
  • Tap 'Confirm' and complete the login on your bank's website or app

Once linked, your approval is valid for 90 days unless you revoke permission earlier.

Difficulty linking a bank account

A poor connection can cause problems when linking your account. Close both your Revolut app and the external banking website or app, and try again once your connection is stronger.

If you still encounter an error in the Revolut app, request live support by typing 'Live agent' in the in-app chat for more assistance.

In case the error only appears after leaving the Revolut app (i.e. in the verification screen from your bank, or when you don't get redirected correctly), it's best to reach out to the external bank for further support.

How to add money from a linked account

You can add money normally from your external banking app's 'Home' screen or you can also initiate a transfer from your linked bank account within the Revolut app.

For more help with a deposit from your linked bank account, read our easy bank transfers FAQ.


If your linked account supports instant transfers, your deposit should arrive instantly after authorisation, but may take several minutes. If not, transfers may take several hours to 2 business days if initiated on a weekend.

Once we receive the money, we'll settle it in the background. If your bank is unable to settle it, we'll revert the money within 5 business days.
If the transfers made from your linked account aren't going through, read this FAQ.