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Can I get a VAT invoice for my Stays booking?

Unfortunately, Revolut can't provide VAT invoices for Stays bookings.

Pay Now bookings

We can provide a document with the breakdown of the total payment made, including the base rate and the applicable fees and taxes. This is available on request. You can reach live support by typing 'Live agent' in the in-app chat. This document isn't a VAT invoice.

Pay at Property bookings

Similar to Pay Now bookings, we can provide a breakdown of the total payment. Alternatively, you can request ‌a VAT invoice at the property during your checkout.

Vrbo bookings

There are two parts to the payment (base rate and service charge). You can request the base-rate VAT invoice from the host. Neither Vrbo nor Revolut can share the base-rate VAT invoice.

You can download a VAT invoice for the service charge via Vrbo:

  • Log in to the Vrbo portal
  • Select your booking
  • Tap 'Payments'
  • Download the VAT invoice