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My card payment was declined

How to see why your transaction was declined

  • Go to 'Home' on the bottom menu
  • Open your transactions list by tapping 'See all' below your most recent transactions
  • Tap the declined payment to open the transaction's details screen
  • The reason for the declined payment is visible in the 'Status' section
  • For more help, tap 'Get help'

Declined card payment isn't visible in-app

If your transaction was declined and isn't visible in-app, it's probably due to restrictions by the merchant, technical issues, card type issues (with single-use or virtual cards), or because the merchant doesn't accept Revolut cards (check this FAQ for more details). Since we have no visibility of the decline reason from our side, we recommend reaching out to the merchant first. If they can't help, tap 'Troubleshoot my declined transaction' at the end of this article.

You can also fill out this form to help us raise the issue directly with the merchant.

Card damage

If you're trying to pay with your physical card and the same method (chip and PIN, contactless, or swipe) continues to fail multiple times, check your card for damage and consider ordering a replacement card in-app. Fees may apply.