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National identifier required to open an investment account

As a regulated entity, we're obliged to comply with all relevant regulatory reporting relating to the trading of listed securities. For reporting purposes, each customer who places a trade with a financial institution must provide their identifier.

What national identifier do I need to provide?

The national ID you need to provide must correspond to your country of nationality (which may not be the same as the country you currently reside in). We accept many types of national ID, but some are given a priority.

Provide the highest priority national ID possible, as indicated below:

  • Austria (AT): no national ID is required
  • Belgium (BE): Belgian national number (Numéro de registre national – Rijksregisternummer)
  • Bulgaria (BG): Bulgarian personal number
  • Croatia (HR): personal identification number (OIB – Osobni identifikacijski broj)
  • Cyprus (CY): national passport number
  • Czech Republic (CZ): national identification number (Rodné číslo)
  • Denmark (DK): personal identity code 10 digits alphanumeric: DDMMYYXXXX
  • Estonia (EE): Estonian personal identification code (Isikukood)
  • Finland (FI): personal identity code
  • France (FR): no national ID required
  • Germany (DE): no national ID required
  • Greece (GR): 10 DSS digit investor share code. If you don’t have a DSS code, you can skip this and Revolut can provide a unique identifier on your behalf
  • Hungary (HU): no national ID required
  • Iceland (IS): personal identification code
  • Ireland (IE): no national ID required
  • Italy (IT): fiscal code (Codice fiscale)
  • Latvia (LV): personal code (Personas kods)
  • Liechtenstein (LI): national passport number. If you don’t have a national passport number, we accept the national identity card number
  • Lithuania (LT): personal code (Asmens kodas)
  • Luxembourg (LU): no national ID required
  • Malta (MT): national identification number
  • Netherlands (NL): national passport number. If you don’t have a national passport number, we accept the national identity card number
  • Norway (NO): 11 digit personal ID (Foedselsnummer)
  • Poland (PL): national identification number (PESEL)
  • Portugal (PT): tax number (Número de Identificação Fiscal)
  • Romania (RO): national identification number (Cod Numeric Personal)
  • Slovakia (SK): personal number (Rodné číslo)
  • Slovenia (SI): personal identification number (EMŠO: Enotna Matična Številka Občana)
  • Spain (ES): tax identification number (Código de identificación fiscal)
  • Sweden (SE): personal identity number
  • United Kingdom (GB): UK National Insurance number
  • All other countries: national passport number

What National ID should I provide as a national of multiple countries?

The rules to determine which national ID takes priority are below:

  • As a person who has multiple EEA nationalities, you must provide the National ID of the country which comes first alphabetically (according to the country's two-letter code)
  • As a person who has an EEA nationality, as well as a non-EEA nationality, you must provide the National ID of the EEA country
  • As a person who has multiple non-EEA nationalities, you must provide the National ID of the first country in the list when sorted alphabetically (according to the country's two-letter code)

We'll use the nationalities you declared when you onboarded to Revolut Trading to determine which national ID you should provide. If you believe we’re requesting the incorrect national ID, or your nationalities have changed, contact us via the in-app chat.

How do I provide this information?

  • Update your app to the latest version
  • Go to 'Invest' on the bottom menu
  • Follow the instructions within the banner notification to submit your information

If you don’t see a banner in-app, then we don’t need you to provide any additional information at this time.

What if I do not provide the national identifier?

If you don't provide this information by the time indicated in the email we have sent you, your account will be restricted. This will involve your account being placed into 'sell only' mode and, you won't be able to open or increase positions. To remove the restriction, you'll need to provide the information.

What if I don’t have the national identifier you are requesting?

Contact us via the in-app chat.