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Report a fraudulent card payment

If you believe you have been the victim of fraud or a scam, immediately end all communication with the fraudster or scammer.

How to report a card transaction

  • Go to 'Cards'
  • Select the relevant card
  • In the transactions section, select the relevant transaction you wish to report. If you have multiple to report, you'll be able to add them later in the form
  • Select 'Get Help'
  • Choose 'Report this payment as fraudulent'
  • Complete the form

Your card will be terminated to prevent any further suspected fraudulent payments.

Each submission is reviewed by a member of our team. It's not necessary for you to reach out to us if you have already completed this form.

To track the progress of your claim:

  • Go to 'Settings'. Web: click the cog in the top-right corner. Mobile: tap your profile icon in the top-left corner
  • Tap 'Help' and choose 'Active requests'
  • Select the relevant claim for more details