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Why is my balance now negative?

Your balance may be showing as negative for a few reasons. Some common reasons are:

  • Delayed payments: In areas with poor connectivity, the merchant may be unable to process the transaction and receive the payment immediately. To complete the transaction, they might attempt to charge you again on a different day. This can result in a duplicate charge, where you see both a pending payment and a completed payment for the same merchant. The pending transaction should automatically be cancelled or reversed. If not, you can dispute the transaction following the steps described in this FAQ
  • Final costs higher than expected: Some merchants can block a certain amount on your account and adjust the final cost of the payment later. They may initially charge more than you expect, bringing your account into a negative balance, but later readjust the charge
  • Paid plan fees: If you don’t have enough funds when Revolut paid plan fees are charged, it can push your account into a negative balance

Which transaction caused a negative balance?

To check your recent transactions and see which one may have brought your account into a negative balance, follow these steps in-app:

  • Go to 'Home' on the bottom menu
  • Open your transactions list
  • Review all your recent transactions in each currency account
  • Based on the negative balance and recent transactions, try and calculate or identify which transaction was the one to make your balance turn negative

If you find a transaction you don’t recognise that caused a negative balance in your account, check out this FAQ.

In case you're having financial difficulties, contact us. We’ll always do our best to help you.