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Are there any card deposit limits?

As part of our regulatory obligations under the Payment Services Act, there are limits to how much you can deposit in your Revolut account. The limits depend on whether you’ve set up an External Account. If you have set up your External Account, you can deposit more than S$5,000 or foreign currency equivalent throughout the day. At the end of the day (between 23:30 and 23:59), any balance over the regulatory limit of S$5,000 or foreign currency equivalent will be transferred automatically to your External Account.

If you don't have an External Account set up, you can only deposit up to S$4,800 or foreign currency equivalent. Attempts to add more money than this will be unsuccessful until you reduce your account balance or set up an External Account.

Check the Payment Services Act FAQs. To find out more about External Accounts and on how to set up an External Account.

Fees for Visa Credit Card Surcharge don't contribute to the limit (e.g. you can deposit S$4800, excluding fees).

Find out more on the source of funds page.