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Currency exchange fees and limits

Fair usage fees

Depending on your plan, there's a threshold of exchanges that can be made with no additional fees during the weekdays. This limit is called a fair usage limit.

  • Standard: 1% fee charged for exchanges over S$5,000 or equivalent
  • Premium: 0.5% fee charged for exchanges over S$15,000
  • Metal: No exchange fees on weekdays

The fair usage limit applies to all fiat currency, cryptocurrency, and commodity exchanges, including exchanges made automatically at the time of a transaction. Your fair usage limit resets every month.

To check your usage and reset date, tap your profile icon in the top-left corner and select 'Your plan'.

Weekend mark up fees

All customers, regardless of their plan, will be charged a 1% fee on all exchanges made on the weekend between 5pm Eastern Standard Time (EST) Friday and 6pm EST Sunday.

Currency exchange limits

You can perform up to 100 exchanges within a 24-hour period. The limit includes currency exchange, cryptocurrency exchange, and commodity exchange.

There's no limit on the amount you can exchange in a single transaction, regardless of your plan.

Based on the Monetary Authority of Singapore Notice PSN01, paragraph 10, there is a limit of SGD 20,000 per exchange transaction.