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Issues with a refund

Refund is pending, declined, or reverted

Once the merchant has initiated the refund, it may take up to 5 days for it to be reflected in your account. The funds will appear in your Revolut Business app once the merchant has completed the transaction on their side, and it has been fully processed.

Speeding up the refund process isn't within our control‌ — ‌it depends on the policies of the merchant.

If your refund was declined or reverted, reach out to the merchant for an explanation and request them to re-process the refund.

Refunds on inactive virtual cards

If you’re expecting a refund, we can process it regardless of the card's status. In most cases, you won’t need to do anything.

If the merchant requires you to present a card, you can let them know that the card is no longer active and provide an active Revolut card instead.

Refund is missing from my app

Refunds may not always appear as expected in your Revolut app, making them harder to find. Contact the merchant and ask for some key details, which should help you locate the refund in your transactions list. Some questions you can ask the merchant are:

  • If they refunded you or reverted the original transaction. A refund is a new transaction, while a reverted payment will still display as the original transaction in-app
  • How the merchant or business name should appear for refunds on your side
  • How long it should take for the merchant to process the refund or reverted payment

Finding out these details will make it easier for you to search through your transactions for the refund or reverted payment.