Charge customers for items from my product catalogue
Payments charged for catalogue items must be processed through Revolut Reader.
To request a payment for your catalogue items:
- Go to 'Merchant' on the main menu on your mobile app
- Tap 'New payment'
- Select 'Card reader'
- You should see two tabs on the payment request screen: 'Amount' for custom amounts, and 'Catalogue' to charge your customers for items from your catalogue
- In 'Catalogue' tab, tap on items to add them to your cart
- In 'Amount' tab, enter the price for a custom item (and an optional description if you like). Click the plus icon '+' to add your customised item to your cart
- The total number of items will appear in the top-right corner of the screen. Click the cart to view all selected items. You can click items to add more or remove them from the cart
- Click 'Charge' to charge your customer using your card reader