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How do I change details in my Business profile?

You can request to change some details about your business in your Business profile on the web app:

  1. Go to Settings (click your profile icon in the top left corner)
  2. Account and documents
  3. Business profile
  4. Select which information you want to update and click the Edit button. You can edit your:
  • Business details: legal name, trading name, date of incorporation, business type
  • Type of business: category, website, description of nature of your business

We’ll review your request within 24 hours and update your business information. We’ll let you know if we need any additional information from you. 

For other changes, raise a support request. To update your account's personal details, check our article on editing your personal profile.

Your ability to perform some actions depends on the permissions granted to your profile – ask your Business account owner for more details.