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Manage subscription payments to merchants

View and manage my subscriptions

To view and manage your subscriptions, e.g. Netflix, in the Revolut app:

Go to 'Payments' on the bottom menu → tap the calendar icon in the top-right corner.

Simply select a subscription to view its details, unmark it as a subscription, or block future payments. If a subscription is missing, tap 'New' in the top-right corner to mark it.

To cancel a subscription, you'll need to contact the merchant. Blocking future payments in-app doesn’t cancel the subscription. Read this FAQ to learn how to block a merchant in the app.

If you don't recognise a subscription payment, you can raise a dispute by following these steps:

  • Go to 'Home' on the bottom menu
  • Tap the transaction in your transactions list. You’ll be able to add multiple transactions in the form later
  • Scroll down and tap 'Get help'
  • Choose 'Report this payment as fraudulent'
  • Complete and submit the form

If your query relates to a Revolut paid plan subscription, check these FAQs.

My subscription payment was declined

If your subscription was declined due to an insufficient balance, you'll need to add money to your account to ensure you have enough funds. The merchant might automatically re-attempt to charge the amount. If they don't, contact the merchant.

If your subscription was declined by our security system, visit this FAQ.