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Set up a Direct Debit

A Direct Debit is an automated payment method that gives the merchant the authority to withdraw money from your bank account at regular intervals. You can find active Direct Debits under 'Upcoming' in the 'Transfers' section.

Supported Direct Debits

Supported currencies: USD

You can only set up a Direct Debit in the country where your account was opened. For example, you can't use a EUR pocket to set up a SEPA Direct Debit in Europe.

How to set up an outbound Direct Debit

Direct Debits should be established directly with the company you want to pay — contact them and provide them with your local USD account details. It's not possible to set up the Direct Debit through your Revolut Business account.

After the Direct Debit is set up, the company will be authorised to withdraw funds from your account.

Can I transfer a Direct Debit from another account?

You can't transfer a Direct Debit from one account to another. If your account details have changed, we recommend that you ‌contact the merchant and give them your new payment details so that they can start collecting money from the updated account.

Fees and limits

Revolut doesn't charge fees for setting up or processing Direct Debits (currency conversion fees could apply). You can set up as many different Direct Debits as you want, for up to 100,000 USD.

Can I use Direct Debit to receive payments?

At the moment, Revolut doesn't support inbound Direct Debits. You can only use Direct Debit to make outbound payments.