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Can I participate in voting at meetings for companies that I own shares in?

If you own shares (even a fraction of a share!) in a US-listed company, and you are an eligible voting shareholder, you will receive an email invitation to vote on the matters raised by the US-listed companies in which you have invested, and your instructions will then be relayed to the vote tabulator of the vote or the meeting accordingly. If you own a fraction of a share, the vote tabulator may or may not decide to round or ignore the fractional share-ownership, depending on the policy they decide to follow.

Revolut utilise a firm, DriveWealth LLC, who provide execution and custody services for stock trading. DriveWealth LLC, in turn, utilise a third-party vendor, Broadridge, to manage, collate and facilitate any shareholder actions.

When shareholder actions are required, a communication will be sent via email to customers from Broadridge, on behalf of Revolut, for the respective held shares.