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Missing transactions in Expenses

When you make transactions such as card payments, bank transfers, or direct debits, they automatically appear in Expenses.

Check the expense tracking start date

By default, all transactions are tracked from the start of your account activity. If you've ever changed the starting date for tracking expenses, you may not see some of your earlier transactions. To change the expense tracking start date:

  • Go to 'Expenses' (on mobile: tap your profile in the top-right corner, then 'Expenses')
  • Click 'Settings' (on mobile: tap '...', then 'Settings')
  • Select 'Starting date' and choose a starting date
  • You can add expense information for expenses from this date onwards

Check if card expense tracking is enabled

By default, all cards are enabled to track expenses. If you have previously disabled expense tracking for a particular card, you can't add expense information for expenses made on this card. To change this:

  • Go to 'Cards' and choose a card
  • Click on 'Settings' and enable expense tracking for the card
  • You can now add expense information for all expenses made on this card