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Créer une carte virtuelle

How to create a virtual card

  1. Go to your 'Home' screen
  2. Tap the card icon in the top-right corner
  3. Tap 'Add new'
  4. Choose 'Debit', 'Joint' or 'Pro' at the top
  5. Select 'Virtual'
  6. Choose a colour
  7. Tap 'Get Virtual Card for FREE' to instantly create your virtual card

The availability of specific card brands (Mastercard or Visa) depends on your account's location. In some countries, only one of these options may be available.

Fees and limits 

  • You can create a virtual card in-app for no fee on all Revolut plans
  • You can have up to 20 active virtual cards and 1 active single-use virtual card at any one time
  • You can only create 4 new virtual cards a month, including single-use cards. After you exceed this limit, you’ll need to wait 30 days before you can create a new virtual card, even if you haven’t exceeded your active limit

Check this FAQ to learn more about using a virtual card.