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Investment statements and reports

The statements and reports for your investment accounts are provided by Revolut Securities Europe UAB (RSEUAB).

Download statements for money market funds

To access statements for your investments in money market funds (MMFs) available through your Flexible Cash Funds:

  • Tap your profile icon in the top-left corner
  • Tap 'Documents & statements'
  • Tap 'Savings & Funds'
  • Select the Flexible Cash Funds account(s) you want to see statements for

Download statements and reports for the rest of your investments

To access documents and statements for the rest of your RSEUAB investments:

  • Go to 'Invest' on the bottom menu
  • Tap 'More'
  • Tap 'Documents'
  • Select the account(s) you want to see documents for (account statement, profit and loss statement, or costs and charges report)

Find the types of statements and reports available for your RSEUAB investment accounts below.

Account statement

This statement provides a list of all trades and assets held in a specific month. You can also find your account number in the top-left section. Regardless of account activity, statements will be generated no less than on a quarterly basis.

Profit and loss statement

This statement shows calculated. returns on 'sell' transactions in a custom period, as defined by the customer. It also includes information on income and fees within the selected period.

Profit and loss statements are not currently available for Flexible Cash Funds.

Costs and charges report

This annual report details the costs and charges you've incurred throughout the preceding year for using the investment services provided by RSEUAB.

Costs and charges reports are produced at the beginning of each year for the preceding year.

The annual costs and charges reports are not available in-app for Flexible Cash Funds for reporting periods before 2024. Instead, these reports were sent only by email.

We don't issue hard-copy documents or provide stamps on requested documents. All statements and confirmation documents are electronically generated.