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A dividend is a distribution of a company's earnings to shareholders, determined by its board of directors. To receive dividends, you must hold securities (whole or fractional) before the ex-dividend date. Any stocks bought on or after this date are ineligible.

Taxes on dividends

Revolut automatically processes dividends into your investment account.

Non-US customers may be subject to up to a 15% withholding tax on US dividends, depending on their country's tax treaty.

Revolut doesn't advise on tax matters. If you have any questions or concerns, you should seek independent professional advice.

View dividends

Dividends can be paid in cash or stocks:

  • Cash dividends: You can view cash dividend details, including any withholding tax, in your investment transactions under 'Dividend'. We'll notify you when dividends are credited to your account
  • Stock dividends: If you receive a dividend, your portfolio holdings will be adjusted accordingly

To view cash dividends in your Revolut app:

  • Go to 'Invest' on the bottom menu
  • Under the 'Portfolio' tab, scroll down to 'Transactions' and tap 'See all'
  • Tap the dividend transaction to see the details

At Revolut, eligible shareholders typically receive dividends 1-2 trading days after the payment date. Currently, our app doesn't offer automatic reinvestment of dividends into the shares of the paying company.