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Hogyan tudok EUR-utalásokat fogadni a Revolut számlámon?

To receive EUR into your Revolut account:

  1. Go to 'Home' on the bottom menu
  2. Below your balance tap 'Accounts'
  3. Select the EUR currency you'd like to receive your money in. If you don't have it, tap 'Add new', then select it as your option
  4. Tap 'Details'
  5. Select 'Local'

Use the provided details (IBAN, BIC code/SWIFT code) and your name to initiate a transfer from your external bank's website or app, or share your account details with the person or business who wants to pay you.

EUR transfers via the regular SEPA method can take up to 2 working days. If the sending bank supports SEPA Instant, it'll arrive in seconds.
EUR transfers via SWIFT can take 3-5 working days to arrive in your account.

Currently we don't support transfers from these countries/regions and currencies. To learn how to receive international transfers, tap here.