


Commodities prices, rates, and fees


The commodity price depends on whether you're buying or selling. You'll see either the buy rate (ask) or the sell rate (bid) in-app before making the transaction. The difference is called the 'spread' and has two components: the market spread and Revolut's mark-up applied per order.

Commodities fees

We apply a fee when you buy or sell commodities.

  • Standard plan: The fee is the higher of a fixed minimum fee of 150 JPY, or a variable fee which is 1% of the order value. Standard members who frequently engage in exchange transactions in excess of the Standard Exchange Allowance of 750,000 JPY will be charged a variable fee of 1.5%
  • Premium or Metal plan: The fee is the higher of a fixed minimum fee of 150 JPY, or a variable fee which is 0.5% of the order value

We'll show you the rate, the fees, and the total cost in the Revolut app before you make any exchange.