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Confirm your personal details again

Sometimes, for compliance reasons, we may need you to re-confirm your personal details. When this happens, we’ll let you know via email or an in-app banner.

If you don’t provide the requested details within a certain timeframe, your account will be temporarily restricted.

Why am I being asked for this?

Confirming the details you provided during onboarding is required for the Know Your Customer (KYC) and Customer Due Diligence (CDD) processes. These processes ensure that your money is received and used legitimately.

To keep your KYC and CDD details up to date, we may ask for:

  • Personal details (name, address, date of birth)
  • Your account’s purpose (e.g. using it to receive your salary, make payments while you travel, money transfers, or for savings)
  • Tax residencies

We collect this information to verify your identity, secure your account, and reduce fraud. Knowing what you do for a living, your tax residency, and your account usage helps us identify any unusual activity. All personal data is encrypted and securely stored in line with data safety laws.

We may also ask you to update your tax information. To learn more, read this FAQ in our Help Centre.