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Can't see my deposit in-app

Your deposit may not be appearing in your Revolut app due to one of the reasons detailed below.

Depositing on a network or crypto that Revolut doesn't support

Deposits of unsupported tokens or via unsupported networks won't be processed, and funds won't be added to your balance. Even though such transactions might appear as completed on the blockchain, Revolut doesn't receive these transactions because it doesn't interact with blockchains or token contracts it doesn't support.

To learn which tokens and networks are supported, read this FAQ.

Incorrect address details

Only use the address that you see in the 'Receive crypto' section for the cryptocurrency and the network shown on the screen. Don't deposit crypto to the same address you used for withdrawing crypto and don't use random wallet addresses provided by others. You might lose your funds if you deposit to a different address from what you see in the 'Receive crypto' section.

Deposit not submitted to the blockchain

Your deposit might not reach Revolut if it has not yet been confirmed on chain. To check this:

  • Get the transaction hash from the sending platform (e.g. your Metamask wallet or your Coinbase account)
  • Use the hash on a blockchain scanner to verify the transaction has been submitted on chain successfully

If you can't find the transaction hash then contact the support on the sending platform.

In addition, there may be a time lag between when the transaction is initiated, and when the platform executes it on the blockchain. This varies depending on the sending platform.