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Commodities prices, rates, and fees

Variable exchange rates

The commodity price depends on whether you're buying or selling. You'll see either the buy rate (ask) or the sell rate (bid) in-app before making the transaction. The difference is called the 'spread' and has two components: the market spread and Revolut's mark-up applied per order.

Commodities fees

We apply a fee when you buy or sell commodities. This fee may vary depending on your Revolut plan. You can find more information on our Commodities Services Terms of Business.

  • Standard or Plus plan: The fee is the higher of a fixed minimum fee of 1 €, or a variable fee which is 0.99% of the order value
  • Premium, Metal, or Ultra plan: The fee is the higher of a fixed minimum fee of 1 €, or a variable fee which is 0.49% of the order value

On some plans, your commodities conversions may count towards your exchange fair usage limit. You can learn more in this FAQ in our Help Centre.

We'll show you the variable exchange rate, the fees, and the total cost in the Revolut app before you make any exchange.

Prices and measurement

The price shown in-app is expressed per troy ounce. This is the market value of one troy ounce, which is the standard unit of measure for commodities and roughly equates to 31 grams of gold.