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Merger or acquisition of a company whose shares I own

If any stock in your portfolio is affected by mergers and acquisitions (M&A), we'll handle all necessary updates automatically, with no actions required from you.


In a merger, where two companies combine, your stock position will typically be replaced with shares of the newly formed entity and its corresponding ticker symbol.


In an acquisition, where one company purchases another, changes to your portfolio will depend on whether you hold shares of the acquiring company or the acquired company.

Possible scenarios are:

  • If you own shares of the acquiring company, your holdings will remain unchanged
  • If you own shares of the acquired company, those shares may be replaced with cash, shares of the acquiring company, or a combination of both, based on the terms of the acquisition deal

Stock prices can fluctuate during this period, and could affect the market value of your holdings as the market responds to the M&A news.