Nepieciešama palīdzība?

Vienkārši uzrakstiet savu jautājumu zemāk, lai saņemtu atbildi.

Categorising expenses

To add a category to your expense:

  • Click on 'Expenses' (from your phone: click on your profile in the top right, then on 'Expenses')
  • Choose the expense
  • Click 'Add' expense category
  • Choose a category, or click 'New' to create a new one

To edit a category:

  • Click on 'Expenses' (from your phone: click on your profile in the top right, then on 'Expenses')
  • Click on 'Settings' (from your phone: on '...' then 'Settings')
  • Click on 'Expense categories'
  • Choose a category to edit

When you make a repeat expense to the same merchant or counterparty, our system detects if you have an approved expense with this merchant. The new expense is automatically categorised.