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Verifying my operating address

What is an operating address?

An operating address is the physical location where a business conducts its day-to-day operations or provides its products and services. If your business has multiple locations, you'll need to provide the address of your head office during sign-up.

The operating address is different from the registered address, which is an official address of a company as recorded in legal or government documents, such as company registration documents and tax filings.

Operating address verification

To successfully sign up to Revolut Business, we require a physical operating address from a supported country or region. We don't accept PO boxes or virtual operating addresses. For more details, visit this FAQ.

To view the list of accepted documents in-app:

On the 'Home' screen, select 'Business address' → select 'Proof of operating address'.

Update my operating address

To update your operating address during the onboarding process:

On the 'Home' screen, select 'Business address' → under 'Details', select 'Operating address' to edit it.

To update your operating address during regular reviews:

On the 'Home' screen, select 'Requires action' → select 'Business address' → under 'Details', select 'Operating address' to edit it.

If you see that the 'Business address' section is in 'Verifying' status, you won't be able to add or change any document or details. The review is with our team and can take up to 5 business days. After this timeframe, the status will change to 'Requires action' and you'll be able to rectify or add any necessary details.

I work from home

If you work from home, here's how you can prove your operating address:

  • Provide specific proof documents under your name. Learn more in this FAQ
  • If you live with your relatives, you can submit utility bills in their name with a signed letter of consent from them stating that your business operates from the address. Learn more in this FAQ
  • If you have a customer or a supplier contract with your address as a place of delivery, upload this document in the 'Proof of operating address' section
  • Alternatively, you can update your operating address with any residence address of the directors or majority shareholders, provided they stay in the accepted region, and provide bills in their name

Physical card delivery to verify my operating address

The card delivery method of operating address verification only works during the initial submission of your Revolut Business application. You can find more information in this FAQ.