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Xero integration for Expenses

Integrating your Revolut Business and Xero accounts allows you to sync data between the two platforms. This is particularly handy for Expenses, as it means approved expenses can be automatically exported to Xero for effortless bookkeeping and account reconciliation.

Set up your Xero integration.

What data does Revolut Business Expenses import from Xero?

Once you’ve set up the integration, we'll automatically import your 'Accounting' settings so they’re ready to use on your expenses.

  • Xero’s 'Chart of Accounts' — including account code and default tax rate — is imported to 'Expense categories'
  • Tax rates and tax codes are imported to 'Tax rates'
  • Xero’s 'Tracking categories' and 'category options' are imported as 'Label groups' and 'labels'

You can review and refresh the imported data from Expenses settings — select 'Expense categories', 'Tax rates', or 'Labels', and refresh data at any time.

Hint: hide irrelevant accounts/expense categories from team members with the 'Visible for submitters' toggle. Head to your Expense categories settings, click on any category, and switch the toggle off.

What data does Revolut Business Expenses export to Xero?

If you’ve enabled the 'Bank feed' sync on Revolut Business, completed transactions will be exported to Xero as statements within each currency account you enable for syncing.

Once you’ve set up the Expenses integration, new expenses will be automatically configured for export to Xero, using the expenses 'Accounting' settings.

  • When a card or transfer expense is completed and ready to export, we'll automatically export it as an 'Account transaction' with the appropriate currency account. Xero will then automatically match it to the statement, and you can mark it as reconciled. Note that the expense will remain in 'Ready to export' until the transaction is completed.
  • Once a reimbursement request is completed, we automatically create a draft 'Bill to Pay' with the team member the contact.

For all exports to Xero:

  • All expense and reimbursement receipts uploaded to Revolut Business are exported as attachments
  • Splits are exported as line items with the proper account code and tax rates. Learn more on expense split

Learn more about Xero in our FAQs, or check the official Xero website.

Expenses not syncing to Xero? Read here.