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Additional information required for Dutch businesses

Why am I being asked for additional information?

Due to regulatory requirements, we need to periodically ensure we have complete information for all businesses using Revolut Business, even if you're an active customer.

We might contact you for the following information:

  • Nature of business: purpose of account, countries in which company conducts business, industry category and sub-category
  • Applicant: name, nationality, address, missing ID
  • Directors: name, nationality, date of birth, address
  • Ultimate beneficial owners (UBOs): name, nationality, date of birth, address, ownership percentage through shares or voting rights

Why am I being asked for a UBO registry extract?

Due to regulatory requirements, we need to ensure that any ultimate beneficial owners (UBOs) of your company are registered with Kamer van Koophandel (KvK) in the official UBO registry.

For information on how to submit your UBO information and get a certified copy, visit this page.