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Change password or passcode

Your password is used to log in to your web app, whereas your passcode is used to log in to your mobile app.

To change your password on the web app:

  • Log in to your Revolut Business account on the web app
  • Go to 'Settings' by clicking the cog in the top-right corner
  • Click 'Change password'
  • Follow the instructions on screen

To change your passcode on the mobile app:

  • Log in to your Revolut Business mobile app (black icon, not to be confused with the white icon for the Revolut Personal app)
  • Go to the 'Home' screen and click on your profile in the top-left corner
  • Tap 'My account'
  • Click 'Change passcode'
  • Follow the on-screen instructions

If you still can't log in: