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How can I move funds from my Merchant account to my Business account

Where can I find my payments?

Payments you receive from your customers will be settled into your Merchant account — which is inside your Business account, and only receives payments from your sales. To make use of this money, you'll need to move it out of your Merchant account into your Business account.

How can I withdraw my funds?

You can move money from your Merchant account to your Business account in the 'Payouts' section using the 'Payout' button. You can move money from your Merchant account to your Revolut Business account at no cost.

Also, you can enable automatic payouts to automatically move funds from your Merchant account into your linked Business account at the end of each day, week or month. Auto-payouts work only with the same currency accounts, i.e. from GBP to GBP (payouts to a different currency will be charged a currency conversion fee).

Here's how to switch on auto-withdrawals:

  • Go to 'Merchant' on the main menu
  • Click 'View payouts' under the balance breakdown
  • Click 'Settings'
  • Open 'Schedule' and select 'Schedule frequency'