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Jak wysłać przelew?

Here’s how to transfer money to external bank accounts or other Revolut accounts:

  1. Go to 'Payments' or 'Home'
  2. Click 'Send'
  3. Choose the recipient ('counterparty') from the list*, or click the '+New' button to add a new one
  4. Follow the on-screen instructions to complete your transfer

Please always double-check the account details of the recipient you’re sending money to. Once your transfer is complete, it can’t be cancelled.

Only members with verified identity can complete transfers. Depending on your account 'permissions', you might need to get the transfer approved by someone who has admin access (in which case, just contact your team) – or to verify them using a SMS verification code (if you're not receiving the code, see how to reset your password).

*If you can’t change the currency, you’ll need to 'edit your recipient’s details' – these settings include currency settings too. You may need to remove the counterparty and add it again with new account details.

Useful information: