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O meu cartão foi engolido pelo multibanco

If your card is swallowed by an ATM terminal, please cancel and replace the card in-app by going to the Cards (the card icon in the top right) → SettingsReplace card.

While you wait for your new card to be delivered, you can create a virtual card by going to Cards (the card icon in the top right) → + Add newVirtual card

The ATM provider might give you back the card if you contact them, but we can't reactivate it in case it was compromised while you didn't have it.

If you tried to withdraw the funds, but the card was swallowed, and you see a pending transaction, please wait, it should be reverted automatically. You can check the date of the reversal in the status section of the payment. If the transaction gets completed, select the payment and tap Get help to submit a chargeback request.