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Corporate structure delayed or failed

You can find the reason your business verification failed in the 'Home' menu. See the 'Requires action' banner under the 'Corporate structure' section.

The documents we accept and their criteria are listed in the 'Corporate structure' section. As we're a regulated financial institution, we're obliged to ask you for certified documents in case the documents aren't available in the public domain.

Documents must list all the names of directors and shareholders, both natural persons and companies. This includes all layers of shareholders ownership structure that lead up to a significant beneficial owner (>25% ownership), or CEOs.

Match your details in local registry

The corporate structure information on your account must match with the official business registry in your country. If it doesn't, update the information in your Revolut Business application or update the details in your local registry. Then, provide us with a registry extract or a screenshot showing us the same.

The following information should match: Full names of directors and shareholders, date of birth, place of birth, gender, nature, and extent of the beneficial interest held or control exercised.

Status is 'Verifying' for over 5 business days

This may happen because:

  • Some directors and shareholders haven't provided all the details yet. Ask them to look for an email invitation in their inbox prompting them to do so
  • Our team is carefully reviewing the structure. In the case of complex structures, it can take 5 business days