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Nature of business verification failed

If your nature of business verification failed, you can check the reason(s) on your 'Home' menu in the Revolut Business app.

During the application:

  • Select 'Nature of business' and 'Proof of nature of business'
  • Select 'Requires action'
  • Follow the instructions to submit your information

During regular reviews:

  • Select 'Submit information', 'Nature of business', and 'Proof of nature of business'. You might need to confirm previously submitted nature of business information
  • Select 'Requires action'
  • Follow the instructions to submit your information

If you can't provide any of the accepted documents outlined in this FAQ, type 'I don't have the requested documents' in the description field of any of the selected proof methods and upload a written document with an explanation. If your company was registered less than 6 months ago, provide your business plan. A business plan won't be accepted during regular reviews.

Common reasons why your business verification may have failed

  • Your products and services aren't described in the documents you provided
  • The products and services described in the documents don't align with the declared nature of business in your description. If you want to change the nature of business on your application, read this FAQ
  • The documents you provided don't include the company name
  • The documents you provided are invalid. To learn more about our verification criteria, visit this FAQ
  • The invoice you uploaded is missing a matching bank statement under your company name