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Operating address verification failed

I submitted the wrong address

If the 'Business address' status on the 'Home' menu shows as 'Requires action' or 'Submitted', you can follow these quick steps to change your address in-app:

  • Select 'Business address'
  • Select 'Operating address'
  • Edit the address

If the 'Business address' status shows as 'Verifying', wait for the review from our team. If it gets rejected, you'll be able to edit the address as per the steps above.

Company operates from a virtual address

We're limited to providing our financial services to companies physically operating in the supported countries. We can't accept virtual offices, PO, or CO boxes etc. as an operating address.

Company doesn't operate in the country of incorporation

You can operate from any of the supported countries and territories found in this FAQ.

Why was my bank statement rejected?

Your bank statement may have been rejected for the following reasons:

  • Your company is operating via a virtual address, i.e. a PO box
  • Your statement was from a digital bank
  • Your statement wasn't dated within the last 3 months
  • Your statement wasn't under the legal name or trading name of your business

If your address verification failed, try verifying with a different type of document.