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Card requests approval processes

What are approval processes?

If you're on a Grow, Scale, or Enterprise plan, you can set up custom approval processes to approve or reject requests from your team members. You can create approval processes for:

Card request approval processes

If enabled, team members without the 'Manage cards' permission can request a new card or a spend limit increase.

You can create approval processes to define whether such requests need approval by other team members before cards are issued or spend limits are increased.

Set up the default card requests approval process

The default card approval rules automatically apply to any card request and initially state that they must be approved by the owner, but you can edit these rules.

You'll need the 'Manage cards permission' to proceed. To edit the default card approval process:

  • Make sure you have the 'Manage cards' permission to proceed
  • Go to 'Settings'. On the web app: click the cog in the top-right corner. On mobile: tap your profile icon in the top-left corner
  • Go to the 'Approval processes' sub-menu, then 'Card requests'
  • Click 'Default cards approval'
  • Add a new rule or edit existing rules attached to that process
  • Enter the amount that needs approval. Spend limit requests are set on a yearly basis
  • Select whether it should be automatically rejected or reviewed by specific approvers (they can be individual team members, specific roles, or the manager of the requester)
  • Select the number of approvals needed
  • If you need to send the approval request to the next layer of reviewers, click 'Add step' and select the next approvers
  • To add rules with different thresholds, steps, and approvers, repeat steps 5 to 9

Important notes

  • Team members with 'Manage cards' permission won't need approval to create or edit cards
  • There can be only 1 card request approval process. This will apply to all card requests by default
  • You can turn off card requests by going to the 'Cards' section and selecting 'Settings', then disabling 'Card requests' toggle
  • Card requests with a spend limit below the specified amount will be processed automatically