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Detaliile contului meu și IBAN

Find your account details

If you're on the new app interface:

  1. Go to 'Home' on the main menu
  2. On web: click your balance. On mobile: tap 'Accounts'
  3. Select your desired currency account
  4. Click on the 'Details' option

If you're not on the new app interface:

  1. Go to 'Home' tab
  2. Click your balance
  3. Select your desired currency account
  4. Click the three dots '...', then 'Details'

To check if you're on the new app interface, see this FAQ.

You'll find your intermediary's BIC under the 'Global · SWIFT' tab.

What account details are available in my Revolut Business account?

All Revolut Business customers registered within the European Economic Area (EEA) can access the following account types and details:

  • GBP local account sort code and account number
  • EUR local account (LT IBAN for domestic transfers within the EEA)

If your account has been migrated to the local branch, you'll also get access to a local account with a local IBAN for domestic EUR transfers within the EU.

As a Romanian customer, you also have access to a RON local account with a local IBAN. This only applies for domestic inbound RON. Any international currency or foreign transfers sent to these details will be rejected.

For all other currency accounts, SWIFT account details for international transfers (no local account details).