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Crypto private keys and exposure on the blockchain

Can I access private keys of my crypto in Revolut?

A private key is a unique code tied to a cryptocurrency wallet address and is used to access cryptocurrencies. At Revolut, we appoint third-party custodians on your behalf who protect the private keys for all our crypto customers. While you control how your assets are used (such as buying, selling, or withdrawing), you don't have direct access to your private keys, which are typically required for managing crypto outside the Revolut ecosystem.

Can I view the blockchain exposure of the crypto in my Revolut account?

Your cryptocurrency exposure is stored on our internal ledger, which is a record of all debits and credits that occur within the Revolut platform, and is used to attribute funds to your account. That's why it's not possible to view your crypto exposure on the blockchain. However, you can manage your balances in fiat and cryptocurrency from your Revolut app at any time.