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Enable contactless and online payments

Enable online payments

  1. Go to 'Cards'
  2. Select your relevant physical card and 'Settings'
  3. Scroll down and enable the 'Online transactions' toggle 

Only the cardholder can enable online payments.

Enable card contactless payments

  1. Go to 'Cards'
  2. Select your relevant physical card and 'Settings' 
  3. Scroll down and enable the 'Contactless payments' toggle

Only the cardholder can enable contactless payments.

Contactless limits

These are the limits applied to contactless payments:

  • Single contactless transactions can't exceed £50 
  • Total contactless transactions can’t exceed £300

Once your total transaction limit has been met, you must reset the limit to keep spending with contactless. To reset it in-app:

  1. Go to 'Cards'
  2. Select your relevant physical card
  3. Select 'Settings' and 'Reset limit'