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Adding out-of-pocket expenses

There may be occasions where you have to pay for a business expense out of your own pocket. You can record a reimbursement request (including expenses made using cash, personal cards, or cards from other bank accounts) and track them using Expenses.

Add out-of-pocket expenses as a team member

  • Go to 'Expenses' and click on 'New'
  • Click on 'Request reimbursement'
  • Then enter the transaction amount, merchant, and payment date

You can also add a receipt, expense category, description, and labels to provide more details about the expense.

Managing these expenses as admin

When you export a CSV or PDF statement of your expenses, out-of-pocket expenses are identified as an 'External' expense. If it's exported to your accounting integration software, it will be exported as a draft bill.

Duplicate reimbursement requests flag

Reimbursements requested by the same team member, for the same amount and payment date, are automatically flagged as potential duplicates.