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Expenses data shared with FreeAgent

Data imported from FreeAgent

Once you've set up the integration, your 'Accounting categories' from FreeAgent will automatically be imported into 'Expense categories' and you can start to apply them to your expenses within Revolut Business.

You can review and refresh the imported data from expense categories settings at any time.

You can also hide irrelevant accounts or expense categories from team members. Head to your expense categories settings, click any category, and disable the 'Visible for submitters' toggle.

Tax rates and labels are not imported from FreeAgent. You can manually define tax rates and labels from the 'Accounting' section in your Expenses settings.

Data exported to FreeAgent

If you've enabled the 'Bank feed' sync on Revolut Business, completed transactions will be exported to FreeAgent as 'unexplained' transactions (within each currency account you enable for syncing).

Once you've set up the Expenses integration, new expenses will automatically be configured for export to FreeAgent. You can manage those exports from the 'Accounting' section in your Expenses settings.

  • When a card or transfer expense is completed and ready to export, we'll automatically export it as a manual transaction under the type 'Payment' within the appropriate currency account. The expense will only be exported once the transaction is completed. Until then, it remains in 'Ready to export'
  • Once a reimbursement request is completed, we automatically create an open bill with the team member as the supplier

For all exports to FreeAgent:

  • All expense and reimbursement receipts uploaded to Revolut Business are exported as attachments
  • Reimbursements can be split, however expenses can't be split as FreeAgent doesn't support splitting a payment. To learn more about splitting expenses, visit this FAQ

You can find more information about FreeAgent integration in our FreeAgent FAQs.