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How can I verify nature of business for my holding company?

For a holding company, you'll need to prove the nature of business by providing one of the following:

  • A full list of the company's subsidiaries your business owns or controls at least 25% of. This list must also include a description of the nature of business, country of incorporation, and proof of the nature of business (i.e. website address, regulatory verification, or other document listed in this FAQ for each subsidiary listed)
  • A written declaration that there are currently no subsidiaries, or none within the 25% ownership threshold
  • Any other supporting proof of the nature of business

How long will the verification take?

The verification process can take up to 5 business days. After this timeframe, if you haven't received an email from us confirming your verification is completed, check your 'Home' menu in the Revolut Business app to make sure you have no pending requests for information.