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How can I book a forward contract?

FX Forwards is only available on the web app (not available on the mobile app). To book a forward contract:

  • Go to 'Treasury' in the main menu on the web app
  • Open the 'FX Forward' tab (if it's your first time, you'll need to agree to the terms and conditions)
  • Click 'Add Forward'
  • Choose currencies and type in amount of money you want to exchange
  • Click on info buttons for more details about each field
  • Click 'Schedule' to add a forward

Revolut Business currently offers forwards up to 12 months in advance.

You'll be notified by email about any action taken regarding your forward contracts.

On the final day of the forward, we'll try to convert the funds from the source pocket you chose when you booked the transaction and place the exchanged funds into the chosen currency account. You'll receive notifications reminding you to add funds to your account if you don't have enough. Make sure that you have enough money in the account, otherwise we might have to cancel your remaining transactions, and you may be charged for any loss.