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Interest payments on your Flexible Cash Funds

Are there any situations when interest won't be paid?

Interest may not be paid under certain conditions:

  • The Flexible Cash Funds interest amount is less than €0.01 (or your respective currency). We'll continue collecting your interest and pay it to you when the accumulated net interest exceeds this amount
  • If your funds haven't yet reached the fund manager, you'll start earning interest after your money reaches the fund manager upon the next dealing cut-off time

For more information that may lead to your interest not being paid or becoming negative, like adverse market conditions, refer to the Description of services, financial instruments and risks page, section 8. Money Market Funds Transactions, and the Prospectus.

Should I use my total Flexible Cash Funds balance to calculate daily interest?

For manual interest calculations, it's essential to use the balance (excluding interest received) that's reached the fund manager, as this represents the money eligible for earning interest. Orders submitted before 10am Eastern European Time (EET) on a business day will reach the fund manager on the same day. It's advisable to exclude orders submitted after 10am EET from the total balance when determining expected interest payments.

Lower or missing interest payments

You'll only begin to receive interest on the funds the very next day after the fund manager receives your money. The fund manager will accept your money on days which are considered standard banking days in London, excluding fund holidays (which can be found on this page), Saturdays, and Sundays.

If you invested for the first time or added more money to your Flexible Cash Funds after 10am EET on a Friday, you'll receive your expected or first interest payment on the following Tuesday (assuming Monday isn't a fund holiday).