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Set up the FreeAgent integration

The FreeAgent integration can be set up through the web app only. To set it up:

  • Go to 'Settings'. Web: click the cog in the top-right corner. Mobile: tap your profile icon in the top-left corner
  • Access the 'Integrations' sub-menu
  • In the 'Accounting' category, click 'Add'
  • Select 'FreeAgent' integration
  • Click 'Connect' next to 'Bank feed'
  • You will be redirected to log in to your FreeAgent account, where you can approve Revolut Business to push transactions into FreeAgent
  • Return to Revolut Business, where you can set up the linking between your accounts in Revolut and your accounts in FreeAgent. Choose to push transaction data into a pre-existing FreeAgent account, or we will create one for you (recommended)
  • Wait for 4–6 hours and the transactions will appear in FreeAgent, ready to be reconciled. If the FreeAgent account is empty, we'll import all transactions starting from your FreeAgent start date