Χρειάζεστε βοήθεια;

Απλά στείλτε την ερώτησή σας παρακάτω για να λάβετε απάντηση.

How can I edit counterparty details?

At the moment, if you’d like to change a counterparty’s details, you'll need to delete and replace the counterparty with the correct details:

  1. Go to the Payments menu
  2. Select a counterparty (click See all to expand the list)
  3. You can then add another account, add an email address, rename, or delete the counterparty

While making a transfer, check if the currency is supported. If it is but you still can't make a transfer to the selected counterparty, you'll need to delete and add this counterparty with the correct account details set in the necessary currency.

Your access is limited to your profile permissions, so you may not have access to changing counterparties. Contact the Business account owner to change your access.